- Hario V60 02-Cup (Glass recommended)
- Hario Filters
- Decanter or Glass Jar
- Goose Neck Kettle
- Coffee Grinder
- Kitchen Scale ( preferably with an accuracy range of .2 g)
- Kitchen Timer
- Cold Filtered Water
- Filter Coffee Beans
For a starting recipe use:
15g Coffee
250g Water
2min 30s - 3min 30s
We recommend starting with a 1:15 coffee-to-water ratio when brewing pour-over coffee. So for every 1 gram of coffee, add 15 grams of water. Experiment from there to find the perfect ratio for you in terms of strength and flavour.
Step 1:
Prepare the water: Set your kettle to 94 - 96° C
Step 2:
Fold down the stitched edge of your paper filter. Place it in your V60 cone and rinse the filter with hot water. This will eliminate the paper taste of your filter and will also preheat your decanter and your V60 cone ensuring they are warm and clean.
Step 3:
Grind your coffee at a medium/fine setting. Once the coffee is ready to use, discard the water from your decanter
Now dose 15g of the freshly ground coffee into your V60. Tap the side making sure there is an even and flat distribution of coffee
Step 4:
Using your Gooseneck Kettle to pour aprox. 50g of water in over your coffee in about 30 seconds using circular movements.
Step 5:
Make sure all the coffee is wet and let it ‘bloom’ for around 50s - 1min.
Step 6:
Place your Gooseneck Kettle at a 9 o' clock position and pour another 100gr of water. make this circular pouring technique fast to create movement of the water similar to a ‘tornado’ spin.
Step 7:
At 1min 30s, pour the remaining 100g of water with the same ‘9 o’clock’ technique.
At the end of the pour, swirl the V60 anticlockwise for about 2 seconds and place it on the counter bench with a gentle tap.
Step 8:
Wait for the coffee to brew and filter out in to the decanter.
Make sure complete brewing time between 2min 30s to 3min 30s.
Step 9:
Once the brewed coffee has drained into the decanter, remove the V60.
Throw away the filter and grounds.
Swirl the decanter vigorously, to mix the extracted liquid and to start the cooling process. Remember to allow the brew to cool down to 60°C - 70 °C to get the best out of your brew in terms of flavour and aroma.
The best way to tell if you have brewed your coffee well is by simply tasting your coffee. If something is not tasting ‘right’, you will know it.
Now it is time to fix your brew changing variables that affect the flavour and aroma.The variables to change may depend on what is tasted. Below is a guide to help identify which variables may need changing.
If your brew tastes sour, salty and with a sharp acidity that bites the tip of your tongue, this is the result of an under extracted brew. An under-extracted coffee simply means that the water did not dissolve/ extract enough inside of the coffee particles.
You can fix this by:
- Simply adjusting your grind setting by making it 'finer' - This will make a longer brewing time.
- Adding more water - This will make a weaker brew.
- Increasing 'blooming' time by approximately 10 seconds.
If your brew tastes bitter and with a dry aftertaste, this is the result of an over extracted brew. This means that the water extracted too much from inside the coffee particles.
You can fix this by:
- Simply adjusting your grind setting by making it a bit coarser- This will make a shorter brewing time.
- Adding less water.
- Reduce the 'blooming' time by 5-10 seconds.