Numero Uno are excited to announce that we have recently partnered with Tropic Coffee to bring you 3 stunning Rwandan coffees.
Tropic Coffee is a Rwandan specialty Arabica coffee processing and export company who produce and sell 100% Bourbon specialty coffee with cupping scores over 87.
They operate in three different regions of Rwanda, each with different altitudes, climate, soil and rainfall, creating a composition and variety of coffees that is rich and complex. The 3 coffee washing stations are located in Gisanga, Kabyiniro, and Cyato. We have sourced 1 coffee from Cyato region and 2 coffees from the Gisanga regions.
Cyato Region
The Cyato coffee washing station is located 1,930m above sea level in Nyamasheke district in western Rwanda. The farmers growing Cyato coffee are located even higher at 2,200m. This is where we produce our delicious bee-pollinated coffee. Tropic Cyato specialty coffee is 100% Red Bourbon. It thrives here high in the mountains.
Our land borders the Nyungwe forest and is particularly rich and fertile. It has an abundance of bees, biodiversity, and rich, black humus and sandy soil.
Gisanga Region
Gisanga is one of the best coffee-growing regions of Rwanda’s central plateau. High up in the mountains 1,650-1,850m above sea level with clay, sandy soils and cool humidity. This is beautiful country on the mountains of the Congo-Nile Divide between Rwanda and Burundi.
Gisanga coffee is 100% red bourbon, UTZ certified, specialty coffee. It is grown by over 850 coffee farmers who operate under the Koapambu Cooperative. The farmers bring their harvested coffee cherries directly to our coffee washing station – 650 tons of cherries per season.