Colombia's Got Talent! Global Coffee Competition By Caravela

Colombia's Got Talent! Global Coffee Competition By Caravela

So much talent in a box - Colombia we love your coffee!!

Sample roasting 15 beautiful microlots sent from Caravela Coffee today. Stunning fruity aroma's are filling our warehouse. We can't wait to cup them tomorrow with the elegant rose-gold Caravela spoons!

We're super excited to be part of this prestigious global competition. 
A few weeks ago, a jury of stellar judges around the world selected the top 15 out of 25 of Colombia's best. For the Final Round, the Top 15 has been couriered to roasters all over the world too, including us! The new COVID19 world may have changed the way we do competitions, but it certainly hasn't stopped us. Roasters are still cupping lots in their labs and submitting scores online. 




Who are the Top 15 of #ColombiasGotTalent 2020?

Jose Gomez • Geisha
Teresa de Jesus Ospina • Pink Bourbon
Pedro Claros • Pink Bourbon
Pedro Meza • Castillo
Melky Chavez • Caturra
Einar Ortiz Falla • Geisha
Linarco Rodrigue • Pink Bourbon
Benedicto Yara • Colombia
Lucas Melo • Colombia
Jairo Lopez • Yellow Bourbon
Ulpiano Evia • Caturra
Eugenia Rodriguez • Pink Bourbon
Jairo Ciro Gutierrez • Caturra-Colombia
Linarco Rodriguez • Pink Bourbon
Belisario Opocue • Caturra
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