Partnership for gender equality

Partnership for gender equality

Rwanda Grown By Women single origin

Gender equality is an extremely important topic and is spread world-wide even in western societies such as Australia where inequality of pay or worse, sex trafficking “does” exist.  We focus our attention to Rwanda in the Domenic Republic of Congo where women are traditionally considered less valuable than men, merely an instrument of sexual satisfaction and a producer of children.

This is an issue close to our hearts, and this is why we have decided to support one foundation in particular called Women Rebuilding hope based in Bakavu Rwanda, Domenic Republic of Congo.

Women Rebuilding Hope is a nonprofit organisation founded in 2013 and led by a 28-year-old Congolese woman named Marcelline Budza who heads up a project to help rebuild hope and empower women in coffee.  

In the DCR, a woman has been traditionally considered less valuable than a man; merely an instrument of sexual satisfaction or a producer of children, she is considered incapable of contributing to her family and community's needs through dignified work, Budza recently said in a conversation. "WRH was born out of the desire to combat this idea, through uniting a group of coffee producing women who are fighting against inequality in women's rights and re-establishing the value of a women's work."  

This is a coffee focused development, where hundreds of female coffee farmers are educated in best farming practise, better processing methods and waste management to produce top-quality coffee for premium market channels. In doing so, they are helping define social change.  These truly remarkable Rwandan women coffee farmers are investing in their own lives and their communities, but in particular the future of their children.

We are proud to introduce our Single Origin micro lot from Rwanda "Grown By Women”   This coffee scored 86 under the SCAA protocol and achieved this score because of the educational programs through the Women Rebuilding Hope Foundation.

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By purchasing this coffee you are helping to stop sexual violence towards women in DRC. 

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